Good bye Grandma Tina
The last couple of days have been a whirlwind.
Last Friday my grandma passed away, in Kentucky. For any of you, who have lost someone close to seems like your body and mind are still trying catch up. At times you want the world to stop just for you, because of the pain you are feeling....but life isn't like's keep moving on. It's even harder when you are away from your support group of friends...
It's been hard when you want to break down in tears, when you've had to be strong for everyone else around you. I feel like I've been hit by a mack truck. I have had moments of tears...but I haven't had the the "big cry", which might surprise some of you...I guess I just need time alone. I've talked with some other relatives today...and everyone feels like they are in a fog...FOG yep, that describes it. Everything happened so quickly...that it's still hard to believe she's gone.

The family members came in from Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Michigan. We all arrived on different days. It was quite a reunion. We are all so close yet so different. (especially since I am the only girl)
Every day was hard in it's own way, too. Driving down Main Street on Saturday, thinking-this could be the last time I ever drive down this street, that used to give my stomach butterflies because I knew we were close to grandma's house. Then the viewing was Sunday-( & the first time seeing her) now THAT was a long day, and then the funeral Monday morning...Tuesday was rough-driving away from the house...for the last 30 years I would always look back and Grandma would be standing there crying, waving good bye to us...and she wasn't.
I was blessed to have a grandma who was so full of life, and was the life of the party. She had the most contagious laugh...sometimes she could laugh at herself for minutes...and you'd begin to laugh without even knowing what was so funny.
Since the late 70's the cousins have been meeting up at Grandma's house every Christmas and Easter...sitting on the front porch swing(sometimes July 4th and Thanksgiving) She would be right in the middle of us. Through the years, she would play match maker with each of us..bound and determined to have us marry someone from Louisa, Kentucky and move down there with her-hahahha :) Grandma was the matriarch of the family.
I wish I had the time and the room to tell you how special she life changing she was to so many people.
But I will share one of the most important ones...grandma's relationship with my mom.
You see, my parents began seeing each other by 10th grade. My mom came from an abusive home, and had NEVER heard a kind word spoken, much less the words "I love you"...My grandma (and my dads family) was the first time, my mom witnessed unconditional love, warmth, hugs, and laughter. (Grandma would even help sneak my mom out go see my dad-hahahaha) Thanks Grandma...because of your example...I had a great mom! Thanks for loving her unconditionally inspite of all of her family upbringing.
Grandma and I had an unbreakable bond. Since I was her only granddaughter (though she would become everyone's grandma, once they met her) God blessed us with a great relationship.
My brother did the service and only with God's help...I sang 2 songs. My brother, & cousin Gary played their guitars as I sang, "Amazing Grace"...that was a sweet moment, to have both of them behind me...I know Grandma would have been so proud of us :)
My brother did a mixture of scripture and stories. I then sang "I could only Imagine"-by Mercy Me. This was another testament to the strength and faithfulness of our God. Something I knew I coudn't do in my own strength...He did in me...all glory belongs to HIM!
Thank you to those who called and texted me, during the last several days. You don't know what it means, to just hear the simple words, "praying for you" or "thinking about ya" from those you hold dear... Friends and Family, blessed my heart with your phone calls, throughout the morning of the funeral! ...some called to pray with me ( love you so much) I know your prayers and the power of the Holy Spirit is the reason I was able to sing at all.
I'll see you grandma, I love you...your laugh is at the heart of my soul.
Last Friday my grandma passed away, in Kentucky. For any of you, who have lost someone close to seems like your body and mind are still trying catch up. At times you want the world to stop just for you, because of the pain you are feeling....but life isn't like's keep moving on. It's even harder when you are away from your support group of friends...
It's been hard when you want to break down in tears, when you've had to be strong for everyone else around you. I feel like I've been hit by a mack truck. I have had moments of tears...but I haven't had the the "big cry", which might surprise some of you...I guess I just need time alone. I've talked with some other relatives today...and everyone feels like they are in a fog...FOG yep, that describes it. Everything happened so quickly...that it's still hard to believe she's gone.

The family members came in from Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Michigan. We all arrived on different days. It was quite a reunion. We are all so close yet so different. (especially since I am the only girl)
Every day was hard in it's own way, too. Driving down Main Street on Saturday, thinking-this could be the last time I ever drive down this street, that used to give my stomach butterflies because I knew we were close to grandma's house. Then the viewing was Sunday-( & the first time seeing her) now THAT was a long day, and then the funeral Monday morning...Tuesday was rough-driving away from the house...for the last 30 years I would always look back and Grandma would be standing there crying, waving good bye to us...and she wasn't.
I was blessed to have a grandma who was so full of life, and was the life of the party. She had the most contagious laugh...sometimes she could laugh at herself for minutes...and you'd begin to laugh without even knowing what was so funny.
Since the late 70's the cousins have been meeting up at Grandma's house every Christmas and Easter...sitting on the front porch swing(sometimes July 4th and Thanksgiving) She would be right in the middle of us. Through the years, she would play match maker with each of us..bound and determined to have us marry someone from Louisa, Kentucky and move down there with her-hahahha :) Grandma was the matriarch of the family.
I wish I had the time and the room to tell you how special she life changing she was to so many people.
But I will share one of the most important ones...grandma's relationship with my mom.
You see, my parents began seeing each other by 10th grade. My mom came from an abusive home, and had NEVER heard a kind word spoken, much less the words "I love you"...My grandma (and my dads family) was the first time, my mom witnessed unconditional love, warmth, hugs, and laughter. (Grandma would even help sneak my mom out go see my dad-hahahaha) Thanks Grandma...because of your example...I had a great mom! Thanks for loving her unconditionally inspite of all of her family upbringing.
Grandma and I had an unbreakable bond. Since I was her only granddaughter (though she would become everyone's grandma, once they met her) God blessed us with a great relationship.
My brother did the service and only with God's help...I sang 2 songs. My brother, & cousin Gary played their guitars as I sang, "Amazing Grace"...that was a sweet moment, to have both of them behind me...I know Grandma would have been so proud of us :)
My brother did a mixture of scripture and stories. I then sang "I could only Imagine"-by Mercy Me. This was another testament to the strength and faithfulness of our God. Something I knew I coudn't do in my own strength...He did in me...all glory belongs to HIM!
Thank you to those who called and texted me, during the last several days. You don't know what it means, to just hear the simple words, "praying for you" or "thinking about ya" from those you hold dear... Friends and Family, blessed my heart with your phone calls, throughout the morning of the funeral! ...some called to pray with me ( love you so much) I know your prayers and the power of the Holy Spirit is the reason I was able to sing at all.
I'll see you grandma, I love you...your laugh is at the heart of my soul.
Hey baby....great words about your Grandma....she sounds amazing. You have been missed. I was and am praying for you. I didnt think your phone was working or I wouldve called you to pray too. I am sorry about that...didnt even know what day the funeral was or when you were coming home. :( I love you and I will be glad to hug you soon.
hey girl,
your heartfelt words about your grandma brought tears to my eyes. what a wonderful woman she must have been.
how awesome is our God to give us something beyond this life to look forward to.
love you.
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